How does a standby generator system work?
A home standby generator supplies power directly into your home’s electrical system – backing up your entire home or just your most essential items. It’s your choice. We will discuss your goals and options during your free home site assessment.
Your generator sits outside just like an air conditioning unit sensing power outages and turning on automatically within seconds – whether you’re home or not – and, runs off your home’s natural gas or liquid propane. It will never require refueling. And, you do not have to go out in bad weather or in the dark to manually start them.
Always On
Life doesn’t wait for your power to restore. Provide your home and family a solution that you can trust. Our standby home generators keep your lights, appliances, computers and other electronic devices on during a power outage.
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System Components
A home standby generator system consists of two primary components: the standby generator unit and an automatic transfer switch. When an outage occurs, the generator is up to speed and generating electricity within seconds. The automatic transfer switch sends generator power into your home. Your system will continue until utility power returns.
Natural Gas & Liquid Propane Generators
Standby generator systems operate on either natural gas or liquid propane vapor. The selection of generators will be matched to the fuel your home already utilizes.